Design Construction Projects for Community – “reSALA- The Reinvention of Public Pavilion,” Summakorn – June-Aug 2010

Design Construction Projects for Community – “reSALA- The Reinvention of Public Pavilion,” Summakorn – June-Aug 2010
September 1, 2010 admin

Our Design Built is consisted of two parts: Design Workshop in Cornell, Rome, Italy (28 May 10- 22 June 10) & Design Built in Summakorn Village (Design & Material Research Phase: 25 June 10- 30 June 10; Construction Phase: 12 July 10- 06 Aug 10)

This summer study-abroad program is a part of INDA’s Design and Construct ion Projects for Communities course (INDA 2541343) which is offered to Year 3 students during summer semester. Students who choose to participate in this summer study abroad program will spend the first 3 weeks of the summer semester in Italy to participate in the Design Workshop as well as visiting important architectural sites in Italy. After 3 weeks, students will return to Thailand and spend the next 3 weeks for design development and project realization.

The 2-week Design Workshop in Rome is a collaborative effort between INDA and the Cornell in Rome Program, which is operated by Cornell University. The topic of investigation for the Design Workshop will be “Small Public Pavilion Design / Urban Furniture”. INDA students will have full access to the Cornell University’s facilities in Rome including design studio, library, computer lab, and dormitory while studying. The Design Workshop will be taught by Prof. Luca Galofaro, the renowned Italian architect (“IaN+”, / theorist / Cornell instructor. Following the Design Workshop, students will travel to Florence, Venice, and Milan to visit significant buildings, museums, and monuments. This trip will emphasize on site observation, measuring, drawing and project ion, while historical and theoretical discussions will encourage students to engage in analytical thinking, direct study, and cultural interpretation.